Duspavoni shoes


为了能够让盲人过得更好些,阿根廷的一位学生发明了这款智能鞋。它配有超声波传感器,可以帮助盲人摆脱拐杖。这双鞋共有三个超声波传感器,分别在鞋的前面、后面,还有侧面。当超声波遇到物体时,会反射回来,传感器就会计算物体的大小和距离,然后发出相应的震动提示。如果距离越近,震动的频率就会越高;如果东西在前方,鞋子的前部就会震动,相应的,如果物体在身体一侧,鞋子的侧面就会震动。这双超声波鞋子可以检测出各种物体,比如人、墙、车、动物。这双鞋可以通过 USB 充电或者通过手机的充电器,电池需要5小时才能充满,但可以续航3~5天。

To make the life of people with visual impairments a little easy, an Argentine student has developed smart shoes that comes equipped with ultrasound sensors. These shoes will help blind people to walk without a cane. The shoes are dubbed Duspavoni and are invented by Juan Manuel Bustamante, student at Industrial College No. 4 in Rio Gallegos. The ultrasound shoes which vibrate when the wearer approaches an object were presented at the National Science Fair in Buenos Aires last week. A conversation with a friend who was losing her vision gave the idea of vibrating shoes to Juan. He believes that his creation could revolutionize the lives of people with sight problems, partial or total visual impairment.

Duspavoni shoes for the blind comes with three ultrasound sensors placed in the front, back and side of the sole. The sensors emit ultrasound waves which are bounced back by the nearby objects. Then after calculating the size and distance of the objects, the shoes vibrate accordingly. The closer the object is, the more the device vibrates. If the object is in front of the wearer, the tip of the shoes vibrate. The sole vibrates when something is on the side and if an object is behind, the heel vibrates.

The ultrasound shoes can detect various kinds of obstacles such as people, trees, walls, cars and animals within a 25-inch radius of the wearer. The shoes are powered from rechargeable Li-Ion batteries which can be charged using USB cable or even by a mobile phone charger. The battery takes almost five hours to fully charge and can be last between three and five days.


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Duspavoni shoes
