 bi***am  分类:Python  人气:947  回帖:2  发布于6年前 收藏

例如 <b>aaa</b><span style='color:red'>bbb</span>



Lv5 码农
qi***pu 交互设计师 6年前#1
This is a title ![I go below the image as a caption](http://placehold.it/150x150) *This is **some** text* in a [paragraph](http://google.com) * Boo! I'm a **list** """ # Parse the HTML into a list of operations then feed them into render. # The Markdown can be parsed by using parser="markdown" operations = parse(html, parser="html") render(operations, document=document, constants=constants)
Lv2 入门
青***f 页面重构设计 6年前#2

可以下载python的这个WordInserter。python处理word excel有很多包,可以到官网搜索一下,搜索之前考虑下是win下还是linux下用的,因为有些包因为接口问题不是跨平台的。


from wordinserter import render, parse
from comtypes.client import CreateObject

# This opens Microsoft Word and creates a new document.
word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
word.Visible = True # Don't set this to True in production!
document = word.Documents.Add()
from comtypes.gen import Word as constants

html = """
<h3>This is a title</h3>
<p><img src="http://placehold.it/150x150" alt="I go below the image as a caption"></p>
<p><i>This is <b>some</b> text</i> in a <a href="http://google.com">paragraph</a></p>
    <li>Boo! I am a <b>list</b></li>

markdown = """
 文明上网,理性发言!   😉 阿里云幸运券,戳我领取