 阿***逗  分类:Node.js  人气:680  回帖:2  发布于6年前 收藏

fs.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback)

Read data from the file specified by fd.

buffer is the buffer that the data will be written to.

offset is the offset in the buffer to start writing at.


buffer is the buffer that the data will be read to.

offset is the offset in the buffer to start reading at.



Lv1 新人
青***8 页面重构设计 6年前#1

(Nodejs) writes the data to buffer. The writing starts at offset.

Nodejs does read out the data from fd to buffer, but the reading starts at the offset that the operating system associated with fd.

If you read something, that thing is the source of some data, not data itself. Read a file, read an article, etc.

Lv1 新人
陈***1 学生 6年前#2


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