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<input type="radio" id="tab4" name="tab-control">
  <li title="tab 1"><label for="tab1" role="button"><span>Tab 1</span></label></li>
  <li title="tab 2"><label for="tab2" role="button"><span>Tab 2</span></label></li>
  <li title="tab 3"><label for="tab3" role="button"><span>Tab 3</span></label></li>
  <li title="tab 4"><label for="tab4" role="button"><span>Tab 4</span></label></li>


<div class="content">
    <h2>Tab 1 content</h2>
    <h2>Tab 2 content</h2>
    <h2>Tab 3 content</h2>
    <h2>Tab 4 content</h2>


<div class="slider"><div class="indicator"></div></div>

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