好吧 来看看官网的描述你就知道了。
WSGI is the Web Server Gateway Interface. It is a specification that describes how a web server communicates with web applications, and how web applications can be chained together to process one request.
WSGI is a Python standard described in detail in PEP 3333.
PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces
This document (HTTP message desribetion) describes common interfaces for representing HTTP messages as described in RFC 7230 and RFC 7231, and URIs for use with HTTP messages as described in RFC 3986.
WSGI是一个 Web Server Gateway Interface
,也就是 服务器网关接口 ,这玩意描述了 Web server怎么样和你的python cgi程序之间交流,说说话啥的,我这边有啥任务了,你来做,做完了把结果告诉我,我告诉浏览器那家伙去。
那么 PSR-7
呢?它是 PSR
家族的一个最新的成员,是一个 HTTP message interfaces
。对,这就和python 和 php 之间作为web开发语言之间的差异有关系了。 也就是说, PSR-7